Twilio SIGNAL 2022

Case Study

For 3 years, Jacob has been a key member in the making of Twilio’s annual, 2-day SIGNAL event. For SIGNAL 2022, Jacob worked with director David Mackie and the post-production supervisors Tim Kwong and Jack Berkenfield to animate, composite, and rotoscope the bold, multi-layered graphics that are seen throughout the entire show.

With 40+ VFX shots across the two event days, Jacob handled the VFX pipelines for set extensions, 3D animation, texturing, lighting, 3D and 2D compositing within a 2-week turnaround period. In every VFX composition, he exercised his creative control through his motion design and photorealistic visuals. While some of the visuals are more apparently a stunning visual, most of his VFX work on SIGNAL 2022 is so seamless, it goes completely unnoticed… as intended.

Client: Twilio

Agency: Intrepid


Creative Director: David Mackie
Producer: Shannon Densmore


Producer: Blaise Panfalone
Post-Production Supervisors: Tim Kwong, Jack Berkenfield
Editors: Andrew Fuchs, Mike McCarthy
Lead VFX: Jacob Vu
Animation: Jacob Vu, Tim Kwong, Tina Chen, Amy Chan, Kris Kunz


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